Prawn Pepper Curry and Lauki Bhaji.

Prawn Pepper Curry and Lauki Bhaji. For the Prawn Pepper Curry Grind to a paste an onion, few green chillies (depends how spicy you like it) ¼ tsp fenugreek seeds, 3-4 pods of garlic, 1 inch piece of ginger, ½ tsp cumin with little water. In a pan heat 2-3 tablespoon oil. Add few pepper corns and 3-4 stalks curry leaves. Add the ground paste and fry a bit. Add a ¾ cup of water and salt to taste. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer on low heat until the oil comes up. Now add the prawns, half tsp crushed pepper and a quarter cup thick coconut milk. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat. When the prawns are cooked add a few coriander leaves and half teaspoon more crushed pepper. Lauki(bottle gourd) Bhaji Chop the lauki into cubes (1½ cup), chop garlic (about 3 tablespoon) a few green chillies and small tomato, Heat a tablespoon of oil (I used mustard oil). Add half tsp panch phoran (I also added some sesame seeds). Add the garlic and the chillies. Fry a bit add...