Lemon Marmalade
Lemon Marmalade
From three lemons scrape off all the pith and finely slice the lemon peel and keep aside.
Pith, peels and seeds of about 8 lemons
Half cup lemon juice
1.5 litres water
Soak the above ingredients for 2 hours. Then bring to a boil and simmer for an hour.
Cool for a bit then strain the liquid thru a muslin cloth. Discard the pith and peel.
Now measure the liquid and for every cup of liquid add a cup of sugar.
Bring to a boil. Add the finely sliced lemon peels and let it simmer on low flame until the mixture becomes thick.
To check if the marmalade has reached the right consistency pour a few drops on a chilled plate. If the marmalade sets like a jelly, it's ready.
Take off the heat and let it cool for about 15 minutes. Then bottle in sterilized jars
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