Candied Orange Slices

Candied Orange Slices 2 large oranges cut into thin slices. 2 cups water 2 cups sugar. Wash the oranges well and slice thinly. Take a large vessel, fill with water and bring to a boil. To this add the orange slices and bring to a boil. Boil for a minute. Immediately remove the slices to the ice bath. Prepare an ice bath while the water is boiling. (Ice cubes and water in a large vessel) Now take a wide saucepan and add the sugar along with two cups water. When the sugar has melted, drain the orange slices and add to the sugar syrup. Boil on low heat until the orange slices turn translucent. (About an hour) Remove from the sugar syrup and dry the slices on a greased wire rack or baking paper. Any extra sugar syrup can be used to flavor your tea or coffee.